Perdue Animal Nutrition Welcomes Dr. Alanna Kmicikewycz

Perdue Animal Nutrition is proud to welcome Dr. Alanna Kmicikewycz to the role of Technical Services Manager for the Upper Midwest Region.
Born and raised in Illinois, Alanna earned her Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science and Chemistry from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Following her undergraduate studies, she received her Master’s degree in Animal Science from the University of Minnesota and her Ph.D. in Animal Science from The Pennsylvania State University, both with an emphasis on ruminant nutrition. Her Master’s research focused on nutritional feeding and management strategies to optimize growth and health in dairy calves, and her Ph.D. research focused on forage mitigation methods for subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in high producing dairy cattle.  
Alanna is passionate about bringing research and innovative feed technologies to the forefront of the dairy industry in order to make a positive and significant impact for dairy cattle and producers alike. She resides in Wisconsin and enjoys spending time with her family, swimming, hiking, and reading.